I’ll be honest, these past few weeks I feel like I have been spinning my wheels. Between consistent travel with work, the kids, consistently working with Betty, and having a semi social life along with a million and one other things, I’ve been in overdrive. 

Last Thursday, Joseph and I were at the store until 10:30 working on remodeling the store. I can’t praise him enough. If you don’t know, Joe is a diesel technician- the hardest working one I know. He shows up to work and gives 110% every single day, comes home and gives 110% to the kids and I. My husband is the most selfless person I have ever came to know. God broke the mold when he made him, just forever thankful that we have Joe in our lives. 

This man shows up to the store, covered in grease- exhausted but eager and ready to help and we’re able to transform the space in a little over 5 hours. I swear guys- we’re seriously the dream team. I’m just so thankful that out of the million and one projects I give Joe, he never bats an eye. Joe has believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. He’s pushed me when I thought I was too tired to keep going. I swear I wouldn’t be where I’m at if it wasn’t for him.

Friday night we drove down to Southport. Southport is my home away from home. Three years ago our family moved down, it’s definitely been an adjustment for all of us, but the silver lining to all of this is that we forever have a getaway from the city. 

As soon as we pulled into the drive, I felt all my stress leave my body. WE’RE HOME. Don’t get me wrong, I’m forever a mountain girl- my soul resides in the Tennessee mountains ( that’s another blog) but there is nothing like being home with family.

Saturday was the best day, we spent the day at OKI. RG is a water girl, through and through. When she was two (if that) she would fearlessly go out and sit on the surf board and ride the waves. RG is one with the water, I love seeing her in her element. 

The beach brings peace. As I sat by the shore, I felt with every wave that came in, the ocean took away any stress, care and thoughts of the previous weeks. 

I was at peace.

There is nothing sweeter in life than watching the love of your life play in the sand with your littlest love. 

This week, I encourage you to find your peace. Don’t push yourself past the point of exhaustion. Self care is paramount. You can’t do all that you do, if you don’t take care of yourself first. Be present. Work can wait. That text you needed to respond to 2 hours ago can wait. Your mental health is as equally important as your physical health. Take a minute to yourself. Go grab that iced coffee- because girl if that’s your vice, c’est la vie. 

And never stop looking up towards the sun.

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